Cornwall’s SEND Local Offer can be found on The Care and Support in Cornwall website:

Children with Additional/Special Educational Needs and Disability

At Otterham we pride ourselves on our ability to recognise and encourage the potential of every child. Through a sensitive approach to teaching by our staff, we aim to identify a child with additional needs as early as possible to achieve positive outcomes.

Our school acknowledges that children learn in a variety of ways and so we offer a differentiated curriculum incorporating a range of teaching styles to meet the learning needs of all children. Teachers make modifications to teaching approaches, classroom organisation and equipment provided.

It is appreciated that at some point in their school life many children will need extra support in one or more curriculum areas in order to ‘catch up’ with their peers. Short term targeted group or individual interventions are implemented.

If desired outcomes are not met through targeted provision then the assess, plan, do, review cycle will continue and more tailored, individual support to address the child’s needs will be provided. Where necessary and with parental permission referrals will be made to outside agencies. Where significant and long-term needs are identified a request for an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) needs assessment will be made.   The provision is reviewed at least termly with parents/carers, in accordance with The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014. 

At Otterham School the views of the child and parent/carers are central to any decisions made. Parents/carers are welcome to contact school to discuss any concerns that may arise.

All children are integrated as fully as possible into the life of the school. This has a positive effect on the whole school, encouraging tolerance, understanding and acceptance.